Thanks to the List Owner for allowing us to share our
memories. Takes your minds off the silly things that
are happening in the world today.......Pat.
Most enjoyable, reading of things remembered and being reminded of
things forgotten!......Peter
Your posting to the 'list' today my
is so right!...Yes, our 'childhood memories' that
have been posted over the last week or so ...are
really 'part of Genealogy' that
who follow us I'm sure will find them to be very
interesting 'notes' to add to their 'Family
rather than just "born..married..died" dates.
We ourselves now are seeking out writings about
life back in 'Victorian Times'..and even further,
so that our 'descendants' will have a much more
interesting mental picture of 'life back
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all the great
'Memories' that have been posted...and I'm sure
those who posted them...'went back in time and
enjoyed them all over again'....!!
Happy Memories to all...Frances
Please keep those memories coming... this list is absolutely the BEST!...Roger
A very big 'Thank You' to John Favill....Linda
Lamberg...and 'Yorkie' ..and all you 'dears' on
this 'special list' for sharing your 'visit
down 'Memory Lane'...with us!...I'm sure that
many of us had our own 'Memory Banks' tweaked
quite a bit this afternoon!!
Each of these Memories ..for me..has brought
those 'tears' that come with a good 'old time'
just remembering the fun days of childhood,
the growing up experiences, our childhood
school days, 'doing without' and not really
realizing that we were at that time..simply
because everyone was in the same that
was 'good for us' per Mom or Dad..ha ha....the
cold beds and the frost on the 'inside' of the
windows...warming our 'bottoms' in front of the
wood/coal stoves...oooh..didn't that feel so
good! we looked up to our teachers..and the local
Shall we say..."The song is over...but the Memory
lingers on"...!!
Thank you all for a 'loverly' Saturday afternoon!.............Frances
Back memories Index
Original page Created by
Pickard Trepess .
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Revised: 12 August 2001
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